Saturday, January 8, 2011

January - Things to Do This Month

In addition to the daily events to tackle in January, there are some weekly and monthly things to consider....

  • National Bath Safety Month - especially important to remember on January 8th (Bubble Bath Day)
  • National Blood Donor Month - they reject me due to my Mad Cow Disease
  • National Braille Literacy Month - skipping this
  • National Hobby Month - my new hobby is celebrating wacky things :)
  • Hot Tea Month - celebrated several days this month (including today)
  • National Oatmeal Month - celebrated nearly daily for portions of the month
  • National Soup Month - to do

Week Celebrations:
  • (2nd Week) Letter Writing Week - awesome! I plan to pick up birthday/anniversary cards on Sunday... maybe some people will get letters inserted!


  1. May I make a recommendation for National Soup Month...Could you convince The King to make some potato soup and then invite me over for dinner? :-)
