Sunday, February 13, 2011

Feb13: Get a Different Name Day

Summary: Get a Different Name Day is is for those who are not fond of the name given to them. At birth, we are given a first name, a middle name and a last name. It wasn't our choosing. Rather, our parents bestowed it upon us. If you like your name, good for you. If not, then today is for you. Take advantage of today to change your name.

Ps. If you change your name, don't forget to update your stationary. And, you will need to notify family and friends about your new name.

Synopsis: Hmmm..... I did not update my stationary, but consider this your notification. I do like the name I was born with, and I did have some input on my name the way it is now (dropped my birth middle name and kept my maiden name in there). However, I feel the need to participate. How do we feel about an official name change to Queen B?


  1. I'm all for it, but do you really want to deal with getting a new driver's license, passport, credit cards, bank accounts, etc.?

  2. I love my name, changing is so chaotic
